1.Zhang, Z.B., Peng, X.H., 2021. Bio-tillage: A new perspective for sustainable agriculture. Soil & Tillage Research. 206, 104844.
2.Wang, Y.K., Zhang, Z.B., Jiang, F.H., Guo, Z.C., Peng, X.H., 2021. Evaluating soil physical quality indicators of a Vertisol as affected by different tillage practices under wheat-maize system in the North China Plain. Soil & Tillage Research. 209, 104970.
3.Pang, Z., Jia, Y.H., Peng, X.H., Ju, X.N., Gao, L., 2021. Applicability of cosmic-ray neutron sensing for measuring soil water content to heterogeneous landscapes under subtropical hydroclimatic conditions. Journal of Hydrology. 596, 126098.
4.Liu, S., Guo, Z.C., Halder, M., Zhang, H.X., Six, J., Peng, X.H., 2021. Impacts of residue quality and soil texture on soil aggregation pathways by using rare earth oxides as tracers. Geoderma, 399, 115114.
5.Xiong, P., Zhang, Z., Hallett, P.D., Peng, X.H., 2020. Variable responses of maize root architecture in elite cultivars due to soil compaction and moisture. Plant Soil. 455, 79-91.
6.Liu, S., Guo, Z.C., Pan, Y.B., Zhang, L.L., Hallett, P.D., Peng, X.H., 2019. Rare earth oxides for labelling soil aggregate turnover: Impacts of soil properties, labelling method and aggregate structure. Geoderma. 351: 36-48.
7.Guo, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Fan, J., Yang, X.Y., Yi, Y.L., Han, X.R., Wang, D.Z., Zhu, P., Peng, X.H. 2019. Does animal manure application improve soil aggregation? Insights from nine long-term fertilization experiments. Science of Total Environment. 660:1029-1037.
8.Rahman, M.T., Liu, S., Guo, Z.C., Zhang, Z.B., Peng, X.H., 2019. Impacts of residue quality and N input on aggregate turnover using the combined 13C natural abundance and rare earth oxides as tracers. Soil & Tillage Research. 189:110-122.
9.Fang, H., Rong, H., Hallett, P.D., Mooney, S.J., Zhang, W.J., Zhou, H., Peng, X.H., 2019. Impact of soil puddling intensity on the root system architecture of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Soil & Tillage Research. 193:1-7.
10.Zhang, Z.B., Liu, K.L., Zhou, Z., Lin, H., Peng, X.H., 2019. Linking saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability to the characteristics of biopores derived from X-ray computed tomography. Journal of Hydrology. 571:1-10.