

发布时间:2017-01-01 浏览次数:

姓名:陈苗   职称:讲师/校聘教授(硕士生导师)



1. 新污染物靶向及非靶向监测、环境行为

2. 新污染物的个体及种群生态风险评估

3. 新污染物健康风险评估


陈苗,女,湖北随州人,中共党员,20236月毕业于同济大学环境科学与工程专业,获工学博士学位;20196月毕业于南昌大学环境科学与工程专业,获工学硕士学位;硕博期间均在中国环境科学研究院联合培养,开展关于新污染物监测、环境行为、去除、生态风险评估、健康风险评估及多重胁迫效应等方面的科研工作。目前主持江西省自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金2项,国家重点研发1项,科技部项目2项。发表学术论文17篇,其中以第一作者在Applied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentSCI收录中科院一区Top期刊发表学术论文5篇,其中1篇为ESI高被引论文;以通讯作者发表EI论文1篇。






1. 江西省自然科学基金项目(青年基金),鄱阳湖流域新烟碱类农药的分布特征、生态风险及驱动因素研究,2024.06.01~2026.05.3110万元,主持(在研)

2. 江西农业大学博士科研启动基金,30万元,主持(在研)

3. 国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目),非法药物在鱼体内生物富集、转化与毒性机制研究(42177382),2022.01~2025.12,参与(在研)


1. Miao Chen, Xiaowei Jin*, Changsheng Guo, Yang Liu, Heng Zhang, Junxia Wang, Guihua Dong, Na Liu, Wei Guo, John P. Giesy, Fengchang Wu, Jian Xu*. Micropollutants but high risks: Human multiple stressors increase risks of freshwater ecosystems at the megacity-scale, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 460, 132497. (中科院一区TopIF: 14.2)

2. Miao Chen, Yajun Hong, Xiaowei Jin*, Changsheng Guo, Xu Zhao, Na Liu, Yang Liu, Jian Xu*. Ranking the risks of eighty pharmaceuticals in surface water of a megacity: A multilevel optimization strategy, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 878, 163184. (中科院一区TopIF: 10.8)

3. Miao Chen, Xiaowei Jin*, Yang Liu, Li Guo, Yu Ma, Changsheng Guo, Fan Wang, Jian Xu*. Human activities induce potential aquatic threats of micropollutants in Danjiangkou Reservoir, the largest artificial freshwater lake in Asia, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 850, 157843. (中科院一区TopIF: 10.8)

4. Miao Chen, Changsheng Guo, Song Hou, Jiapei Lv, Yan Zhang, Heng Zhang, Jian Xu*. A novel Z-scheme AgBr/P-g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst: Excellent photocatalytic performance and photocatalytic mechanism for ephedrine degradation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 266, 118614. (中科院一区TopIF: 24.3ESI高被引论文)

5. Miao Chen, Changsheng Guo, Song Hou, Linlin Wu, Jiapei Lv, Chunhua Hu, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*. In-situ fabrication of Ag/P-g-C3N4 composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity for sulfamethoxazole degradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 366, 219-228. (中科院一区TopIF: 14.2)

6. Changsheng Guo1, Miao Chen1 (共同第一作者), Linlin Wu, Yingying Pei, Chunhua Hu, Yuan Zhang, Jian Xu*. Nanocomposites of Ag3PO4 and phosphorus-doped graphitic carbon nitride for ketamine removal, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2, 2817-2829. (中科院二区,IF: 6.1)

7. Heng Zhang, Miao Chen, Changsheng Guo, Jingpu Fan, Jian Xu*. Degradation of sulpiride in water by the UV/chlorine process: kinetics, reaction mechanism, and transformation pathways, Environmental Science Water Research & Technology, 2023, 9, 1090. (中科院三区,IF: 5.8)

8. Jiangtao Yang, Ying Luo, Miao Chen, Haijian Lu, Heng Zhang, Yang Liu, Changsheng Guo*, Jian Xu. Occurrence, spatial distribution, and potential risks of organic micropollutants in urban surface waters from qinghai, northwest China, Chemosphere, 2023, 318, 137819. (中科院二区,IF: 8.9)

9. 赵晓帅,郑其冰,马瑞,张恒,陈苗*,郭昌胜. 北京市城市河流中抗生素的污染特征及多层次生态风险评估,环境科学,2024, 45(6), 3165-3175.
